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How to remove editor lock from program

Editor flag can be removed by editing the field EDTX (Editor lock flag) in table TRDIR

Test RFC connection with no access to SM59

Most of the organizations block access to SM59 transaction code for other teams except BASIS. SM59 transaction code is used to configure RFC destinations.
So how do you test the RFC connection with no access to SM59?
Using function module CAT_CHECK_RFC_DESTINATION

Testing the same using SM59

Add reversal date in BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST for FBS1

This can be achieved using table EXTENSION1 of the BAPI. In case EXTENSION1 table is not present in the BAPI - check OSS [Note 487722 - Using EXTENSION1 for accounting BAPIs]

Implementing CMOD/SMOD exit ACBAPI01 with enhancement structure EXTENSION1:
Transaction CMOD: Select your project or create one.Assign enhancement ACBAPI01 to the project.You can branch to the source code via "Components".Navigate to function module EXIT_SAPLACC4_001.This function module indicates the parameters that are available to change the document.In INCLUDE ZXACCU15 (Customer namespace), carry out your implementation as an ABAP program.

In INCLUDE - add your code to populate the new field
DATAwa_ext LIKE extension. 
LOOP AT extension INTO wa_ext.
  IF wa_ext-field1 'STODT'.
    LOOP AT t_accit.
      t_accit-stodt wa_ext-field2.
      MODIFY t_accit.

When calling the BAPI - populate t_extension table's FIELD1 with <field name> i.e. STODT in this example and FIELD2 with <field vale> i.e. reversal date in this case
  * Add reversal date
      w_extension1-field1 'STODT'.
      w_extension1-field2 l_date.
      APPEND w_extension1 TO t_extension1.

  * Calling BAPI to post the document
          documentheader w_documentheader
          obj_key        g_objkey
          accountgl      t_accountgl
          currencyamount t_currencyamount
          return         t_return
          extension1     t_extension1.

SAP ABAP Authorization

An authorization group is a group that can be defined to restrict access to executing/maintaining programs in SAP. An authorization group can be allocated for each program and users can then be given access to perform functions for specific authorization groups only.
The foundation of SAP security. Objects serve as a template for coding access checks in ABAP programs and for establishing user access rights. When values are defined for authorisation objects these are referred to as authorizations.

T-code SU21 Maintain Authorization Objects

T-code SU20 Maintain Authorization Fields

ABAP Code to check authorization -

Authorization Object
Any transaction code

     ID 'TCODE' FIELD objectname.

             ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '02'  "Check display = 2 access
ID 'TCD' FIELD 'VA03'. " for transaction code VA03

How to find parameters of READ_TEXT function module

You need to know where to maintain the text to find the input parameters that you want to use for reading that text with function module READ_TEXT. You can ask the functional consultant as to where the text would be maintained by the user.

I am taking an example of maintaining text in billing document.

Go to T-code VF02. Enter the billing document number and press ENTER

Go to Header Texts 

Under the tab Head.text, find the text from the left pane that would be maintained. For example, I would be maintaining 'Form Header'. Double click Form Header and maintain the text value in the right pane and SAVE.

Repeat step 1 to 3. Before double clicking 'Form header', activate the debugger by typing '/h' in the command box.
Double click 'Form header' and when the debugger gets triggered, put a breakpoint at function module 'READ_TEXT'

Press F8. The debugger stops in the READ_TEXT function module. Press F7. Scrolling up you will find READ_TEXT function module. Double click the exporting parameters (OBJECT, NAME, ID, LANGUAGE) 

These are the values that we will be passing in our code to read the required text.