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ABAP Interview questions

1) In a SELECT query, when FOR ALL ENTRIES IN <itab> is used, and itab is empty, then what will be fetched by select query?
Ans: All the entries from the SELECT table as FOR ALL ENTRIES is disregarded if itab is empty.
i.e. For query, SELECT * from MARA FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_tab WHERE matnr EQ i_tab-matnr -> If i_tab is empty, then all the records will be fetched from MARA 

2) How many Function Modules at max can be assigned to Function Group?
Ans: 99

3) How can READ statement be performance tuned?
Ans: First SORT the internal table and then use READ statement WITH KEY BINARY SEARCH

4) How can nested loops be performance tuned?
Ans: Parallel cursor method - The inner nested loops starts from index.
v_index = 1.
LOOP AT t_vbak ASSIGNING <fs_vbak>.
   LOOP AT t_vbap FROM v_index ASSIGNING <fs_vbap>.
       IF <fs_vbap>-vbeln NE <fs_vbak>-vbeln.
           v_index = sy-tabix.
           v_index - v_index + 1.

5) How do you define exceptions in function modules?

6) How do you generate interactive ALV report?

7) How would you upload logo in SAP Scripts?
Ans: Upload TIFF image using standard program RSTXLDMC or transaction code SE78 and use INCLUDE statement to upload the same in script
/: INCLUDE <logofileuploadedthruse78> OBJECT TEXT ID ST

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