1) In a SELECT query, when FOR ALL ENTRIES IN <itab> is used, and itab is empty, then what will be fetched by select query?
Ans: All the entries from the SELECT table as FOR ALL ENTRIES is disregarded if itab is empty.
2) How many Function Modules at max can be assigned to Function Group?
Ans: 99
3) How can READ statement be performance tuned?
Ans: First SORT the internal table and then use READ statement WITH KEY BINARY SEARCH
4) How can nested loops be performance tuned?
7) How would you upload logo in SAP Scripts?
Ans: All the entries from the SELECT table as FOR ALL ENTRIES is disregarded if itab is empty.
i.e. For query, SELECT * from MARA FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_tab WHERE matnr EQ i_tab-matnr -> If i_tab is empty, then all the records will be fetched from MARA
2) How many Function Modules at max can be assigned to Function Group?
Ans: 99
3) How can READ statement be performance tuned?
Ans: First SORT the internal table and then use READ statement WITH KEY BINARY SEARCH
4) How can nested loops be performance tuned?
Ans: Parallel cursor method - The inner nested loops starts from index.
v_index = 1.
LOOP AT t_vbak ASSIGNING <fs_vbak>.
LOOP AT t_vbap FROM v_index ASSIGNING <fs_vbap>.
IF <fs_vbap>-vbeln NE <fs_vbak>-vbeln.
v_index = sy-tabix.
v_index - v_index + 1.
5) How do you define exceptions in function modules?
6) How do you generate interactive ALV report?
7) How would you upload logo in SAP Scripts?
Ans: Upload TIFF image using standard program RSTXLDMC or transaction code SE78 and use INCLUDE statement to upload the same in script
/: INCLUDE <logofileuploadedthruse78> OBJECT TEXT ID ST
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