Get the number of the process and go to SM50
Select the PID (Process ID)
From the menu bar select Process>>Trace>>Display File
4. In the developer trace, there should be
a list of tables showing up that the buffers are complaining about. Examples
below are possible...
B Thu Apr 17 06:19:54 2008
B ***LOG BS0=> escalation level 2 for buffer synchronization reached [dbsync#3
@ 3557] dbsync 3557
B Begin of notebook trace
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSESUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSTEPUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSTEPUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTTIMSTMP
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSTEPUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTTIMSTMP
B Thu Apr 17 06:19:54 2008
B ***LOG BS0=> escalation level 2 for buffer synchronization reached [dbsync#3
@ 3557] dbsync 3557
B Begin of notebook trace
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSESUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSTEPUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSTEPUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTTIMSTMP
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTSTEPUID
B class = 7 table = /BI0/STCTTIMSTMP
5. Look at the buffered tables and decide
about which ones need to be changed from buffered to non-buffered. SE13 is the
transaction to do that. The buffered tables need to be tables that have a large
amount of reads, as compared to writes
Contact SAP Basis guys to increase the tablespace.
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